SAPI 基本解释
abbr.semi-armor-piercing incendiary 燃烧弹刺穿半装甲;
SaPIs (Staphylococcus aureus or superantigen pathogenicity islands) are a family of mobile genetic elements resident in the genome of some strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Much like bacteriophages, SaPIs can be transferred to uninfected cells and integrate into the host chromosome.以上来源于:Wikipedia
SAPI 相关例句
SaPI operon I is required for SaPI packaging and is controlled by LexAFisiologi reproduksi dan inseminasi buatan pada sapiFisiologi Reproduksi Dan Inseminasi Buatan Pada SapiSaPI mutations affecting replication and transfer and enabling autonomous replication in the absence of helper phage.Role of Staphylococcal Phage and SaPI Integrase in Intra- and Interspecies SaPI TransferDETEKSI MOLEKULER Salmonella sp PADA SUSU SAPI MENTAH MENGGUNAKAN PENANDA PARSIAL SEKUEN GEN 16S rRNAShort message service (SMS) over service access point identifier 0 (SAPI-0)Cloning and expression of the ApaLI, NspI, NspHI, SacI, ScaI, and SapI restriction-modification systems in Escherichia coli.Adaptation of Staphylococcus aureus to ruminant and equine hosts involves SaPI-carried variants of von Willebrand factor-binding pro...Expression of arginine kinase enzymatic activity and mRNA in gills of the euryhaline crabs Carcinus maenas and Callinectes sapidus