英:['skeɪlpæn] 美: ['skeɪlpæn]
scalepan 相关例句
Scale panScale-pan.Scale panUnsteady aerodynamics simulation of a full-scale horizontal axis wind turbine using CFD methodologyPeriodic recurrence and scale-expansion mechanism of loess landslides caused by groundwater seepage and erosionDigital postal scaleWeighing scaleTune in the peak information: peak position and peak scaleScale with detachable protective coverRelationships between environmental variables and benthic diatom assemblages in California Central Valley streams (USA)Bilayer Beams and Relay Sharing based OFDMA Cellular ArchitectureDegradation of Fe- xCr-5Al Alloys Induced by KCl-ZnCl2 Deposits at 773K : High Temperature Materials and ProcessesDiscussing the foreign exchange reserve scale of China