Schengen 基本解释
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Schengen 相关例句
The Treaty of Prüm: A Replay of Schengen?Keeping up with Schengen: migration and policy in the European Union.The Sharp Edges of Europe: Extending Schengen EastwardsForging Flexibility – The British `No' to SchengenSchengen's Soft Underbelly? Irregular Migration and Human Smuggling across Land and Sea Borders to ItalyThe Principle of Open Government in Schengen and the European Union: Democratic RetrogressionFriendly Schengen Borderland Policy on the New Borders of an Enlarged EU and Its Neighbours. CEPS Policy Brief No. 7, November 2001Die Politik des koordinierten Alleingangs. Schengen und die Abschaffung der Personenkontrollen an den Binnengrenzen der Europäische...¿EL PUNTO VULNERABLEDEL SCHENGEN? LA MIGRACIÃN IRREGULAR Y EL TRÃFICO ILÃCITO DE PERSONAS POR LAS FRONTERAS TERRESTRES Y...France, rapport sur la transposition de la Directive visant à compléter l'Article 26 de la Convention de Schengen