Schleswig 基本解释
释义[地名] [德国、美国] 石勒苏益格;
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Schleswig 相关例句
FRONTIER DISPUTES BETWEEN THE WEST-EUROPEAN AND EAST-EUROPEAN HOUSE MOUSE IN SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, WEST-GERMANYTowards an Ontology for e-Document Management in Public Administration - the Case of Schleswig-HolsteinThe impact of boating on the distribution of seals and moulting ducks in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-HolsteinStructure of the invertebrate fauna in salt marshes of the Wadden Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein influenced by sheep-grazingEpidemiology of cutaneous melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: incidence, clinical subtypes, tumour...Cultural ecosystem services in the context of offshore wind farming: A case study from the west coast of Schleswig-HolsteinLarge-scale distribution patterns of the mussel Mytilus edulis in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein: Do storms structure the eco...The spatial and temporal pattern of carabid beetles on arable fields in northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) and their value as eco...Background concentrations of individual and total volatile organic compounds in residential indoor air of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.EPIZOOTIOLOGIC AND ECOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS OF EUROPEAN BROWN HARES (LEPUS EUROPAEUS) IN SELECTED POPULATIONS FROM SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN...