英:['si:wədz] 美: ['siwədz]
seawards 基本解释
seawards[ 'si:wədz ] the direction of the sea同义词:seawardaseatoward the sea
seawards 相关例句
SeawardsEl viaje hacia el mar Seawards journeyprolongation of a river mouth seawards2017, "Seawards, Landwards. Can we make historical sense of the Borneo as the Homeland of Malay hypothesis?"Regions that look seawards: changing fortunes, submerged histories and the slow capitalism of the seaVertical distribution of suspended sediment concentrations seawards of the breaking zoneComposition of phytal macrofauna communities on transects extending seawards from HelsinkiDistribution, crustal properties and significance of seawards-dipping sub-basement reflectors off E GreenlandPeriodical and aperiodical changes of properties of young marshland soils seawards the dikePlatinum-group elements (PGE) in basalts of the seawards dipping reflector sequences (SE Greenland): Contributions to the geochemica...