Secretary-Archivist 相关例句
C&E Secretary-Archivist档案秘书
DOROTHEA WATERBURY, SECRETARY, ARCHIVIST, WRITER, TRAVELER; AT 95L’Afrique fantômeParalyses: Literature, Travel, and Ethnography in French ModernityDomesticating Palestine: Elizabeth Champney’sL' Afrique fanto̧me by Michel LeirisSeventeenth-Century English Women Engraved in Stone?*Divided by a Common Language: The Babel Proclamation and Its Influence in Iowa History.L’Atelier Lortac : Cinéma d’animation et publicité dans l’entre-deux-guerres en FranceIl cronologo e il Segretario di Terra Santa.Cumulative bibliography on the history of oceanography, 1987-