Selachii 基本解释
Selachii[ si'leiki,ai ]
n.sharks; rays; dogfishes; skates同义词:Elasmobranchiisubclass Elasmobranchiisubclass Selachii
Selachii 相关例句
SelachiiHistorical zoogeography of SelachiiHistorical Zoogeography of the SelachiiThe Lift Produced by the Heterocercal Tails of SelachiiMorphogenesis, pattern formation and function of the dentition of Heterodontus (Selachii)Predator-prey and competitive interactions between sharks (Order Selachii) and dolphins (suborder Odontoceti): A reviewMultiple prismatic calcium phosphate layers in the jaws of present-day sharks (Chondrichthyes; Selachii)Presencia del género Lissodus (Chondrichthyes, Selachii) en el Carbonífero Superior de Puertollano (Ciudad Real, España): conside...New records of fossil elasmobranch genera Megascyliorhinus, Centrophorus, and Dalatias (Order Selachii) in New ZealandA new species of Ditrachybothridium (Cestoda: Diphyllidea) from Galeus sp. (Selachii, Scyliorhynidae) from the south Pacific Ocean, ...