英:[sɪli:nəʊmɔ:'fɒlədʒɪ] 美: [sɪlinoʊmɔ'fɒlədʒɪ]
selenomorphology 基本解释
selenomorphology 相关例句
SelenomorphologyselenomorphologyScattering characteristics and imaging of energetic neutral atoms from the Moon in the terrestrial magnetosheathANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LUNAR PROPERTIES, GEOLOGY, VEHICLES AND BASES. PART 2. VEHICLES, TRAJECTORIES, AND LANDINGSMorphology Control of Selenophene–Thiophene Block Copolymers through Side Chain EngineeringThe photophore morphology of Selenoteuthis scintillans Voss and other lycoteuthids (Cephalopoda: Lycoteuthidae)Morphological description of selenoid bodiesUnderstanding the Influence of Morphology on Poly(3-hexylselenothiophene):PCBM Solar CellsTransverse masticatory movements, occlusal orientation, and symphyseal fusion in selenodont artiodactyls.Effects of thermal annealing upon the nanomorphology of poly(3-hexylselenophene)-PCBM blends.