英:[ˈselfˈkritikəl] 美: [ˈsɛlfˈkrɪtɪkəl]
self-critical 基本解释
self-critical 相关例句
Parent-child interaction in the etiology of dependent and self-critical depressionSelf-critical perfectionism and daily affect: dispositional and situational influences on stress and copingSelf-Critical Perfectionism and Daily AffectCognitive vulnerability to depression in children and adolescents: The role of self-critical and personal standards perfectionismSelf-Critical Perfectionism, Coping, Hassles, and Current Distress: A Structural Equation Modeling ApproachA pilot exploration of the use of compassionate images in a group of self-critical peopleSelf-Critical and Personal Standards factors of perfectionism located within the five-factor model of personality.Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image CaptioningAmbivalence over emotional expression and negative life events: Mediators of depressive symptoms in dependent and self-critical indi...Evaluative concerns, self-critical, and personal standards perfectionism: A structural equation modeling strategy.