英:['selfɪŋ] 美: ['selfɪŋ]
selfing 基本解释
self[ 'selfiŋ ]
n.your consciousness of your own identity同义词:ego
a person considered as a unique individual"one's own self"
adj.(used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self"self-knowledge"; "self-proclaimed"; "self-induced"
selfing 相关例句
by one's self独自,单独
true self真我;真实自我
self esteem自尊
self control自我控制;自制
self learning自学习
real self真实自我
self study自学
second self知己;心腹;左右手
self similarity自相似
self weight自重
self consciousness自我意识;自觉意识
self improvement自我完善;自我改进
self first先顾自己
self locking自销;自同步;自锁式
self cleaning自净,自动清洗
self reliance自力更生;依靠自已
self image自身形象
self regulation自动调整;自律
self excited自激的;自励
self test自检测试
- On selfing or crossing heterozygotes some double recessives may appear, giving viable offspring.
在自交或杂交产生的杂合子中双隐性性状可以表现出来并产生可育后代。 - Selfing is inhibited by genetic self incompatibility and also by the fact that within a single flower the stigma is receptive before the anthesis are ready to shed pollen.
Geitonogamy: The neglected side of selfingThe Evolution of the Selfing Rate in Functionally Hermaphrodite Plants and AnimalsPOLLEN DISCOUNTING AND THE EVOLUTION OF SELFING IN ARENARIA UNIFLORA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE)Can varying inbreeding depression select for intermediary selfing rates?Linkage disequilibrium, gene trees and selfing: an ancestral recombination graph with partial self-fertilizationThe Effects of Five Generations of Enforced Selfing on Potential Male and Female Function in Mimulus guttatusPOPULATION STRUCTURE AND LOCAL SELECTION IN IMPATIENS PALLIDA (BALSAMINACEAE), A SELFING ANNUALHigh Inbreeding Depression, Selective Interference Among Loci, and the Threshold Selfing Rate for Purging Recessive Lethal MutationsPollinator-Mediated Competition, Reproductive Character Displacement, and the Evolution of Selfing in Arenaria uniflora (Caryophylla...Natural variation in expression of self-incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana: Implications for the evolution of selfing