英:['self'slɔ:tə] 美: ['self'slɔtə]
self-slaughter 基本解释
self-slaughter 相关例句
Blake and Nietzsche on self-slaughter and the moral law: A reading of JerusalemThe Nightmare of the Oreste: Self-slaughter, Judicial Execution and the Murder of a HostageSelf-Slaughter, Poetry, and the Interfaith Blurb UniverseSelf-love and self-slaughter in the works of Shakespeare and his contemporariesSELF-SLAUGHTER: MAHBUB - 2000Review: Canon v. Self-SlaughterCanon v. Self-SlaughterBoris: Now Is the Time to Stand Up for Barclays Not Run It Down ; Mayor Urges Finance Bosses to Avoid 'Orgy of Self-Slaughter' [Edit...A Protected Data Self-Slaughter In Cloud ComputingA Protected Data Self-Slaughter in Cloud Computing