Senior Secretary 相关例句
- So hiring a high-level Philippine housekeeper is equal to hiring an excellent family English teacher, a high-level servant and a high-level secretary.
Also in attendance were: John R. Koelmel Gil Quiniones Judith McCarthy Donald Russak Karen Delince William Nadeau Thomas Concadoro L...Administrative StaffReflecting the Program=s commitment to training in depth and breadth, all students must pass qualifying examinations before beginnin...Ocean Prediction Center 2006 AccomplishmentsCivil Procedure - Law A502D General Information and Syllabus Winter 2010 Office hours: TBAInside/Outside Counsel Relationships in the New Age of IndependenceIMPACTS OF VMT REDUCTION STRATEGIES ON SELECTED AREAS AND GROUPSPledges 6 . 7 billion to India The Indian Economy is Stronger and More Competitive : World BankBaltic economiesBaltic economies