sepses 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Persistent bacteremia often leads to severe sepsis or overwhelming septic shock.
持续性的菌血症经常导致严重的败血症,甚至恶化为败血性休克。 - During the hospitalization, recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred.
Schapobal. Antifungal Activity of the lemongrass oil and citral against Candida SepsesUSE OF LACTOFERRIN FOR PREVENTION OF NEONATAL SEPSES IN PREMATURE NEWBORNSSepses slodze Latvijas multidisciplinārās slimnīcas intensīvās terapijas un reanimācijas nodaļāDiagnostiskie Marķieri Agrīnai Sepses Noteikšanai Bērniem Ar Sistēmiskā Iekaisuma Atbildes SindromuInterleikīna 6 (IL6) Gēna (-174 G/C) Promotera Polimorfisma Asociācija AR IL6 Līmeni Un Klīnisko Iznākumu Smagas Sepses Slimni...An epidemiological study of risk factors in outbreaks of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia intravenous catheter-related sepses in childre...An investigation on the incidence of the infections of the surgical wounds and of sepses correlated with themStudies on the technique of chemical antisepses and fresh keeping of citrus in Sichuan [China]Experience of treating infectious complications of severe burns using a combination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxyzol (Septrin R)Diagnostic Markers for Early Sepsis Diagnosis in Children With Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome