英:['si:tɪˌfɔ:m] 美: ['sitɪˌfɔm]
setiform 基本解释
setiform 相关例句
Notes on Polyzoa (Bryozoa) VI. Some setiform heterozooeciaNotes on Polyzoa (Bryozoa) VI. Some setiform heterozooeciaSetiform Sensilla and Prey Detection in the Bird-Spider Sericopelma Rubronitens Ausserer (Araneae, Theraphosidae)The Formation of the Achromatic Figure in Spirogyra setiformisSetiformenol, isolated from the liverwort tetralophozia setiformis, the first example of cembrane-type diterpene from bryophytesMorphological and Biochemical Responses of Spirogyra setiformis Exposed to CadmiumDistribution of Tetralophozia setiformis (Marchantiophyta, Scapaniaceae) in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia)Antioxidant, Antimicrobial Activity and GC-MS analysis of Russelia equsetiformis Essential OilsDescription of a New Solifuge Melanoblossia ansie sp. n. (Solifugae, Melanoblossiidae) with Notes on the Setiform Flagellar Complex ...Description of a New Solifuge Melanoblossia ansie sp. n. (Solifugae, Melanoblossiidae) with Notes on the Setiform Flagellar Complex ...