shanty town
英:[ˈʃænti: taun] 美: [ˈʃænti taʊn]
shanty town 基本解释
复数:shanty towns
shanty town
n.a city district inhabited by people living in huts and shanties同义词:shantytown
shanty town 相关例句
- The Warrens in the eastern part of town is a terrible slum sick with poverty and crime.
位于城市东部的沃伦斯区是一个治安混乱的贫民窟,这里充斥着贫穷和犯罪。 - The games of football played in the dusty street outside his small white, one-storeyed home in Furito were to provide him with a passport out of the shanty town.
Shanty TownSHANTYTOWNSHANTYTOWNObesity and malnutrition in a Shantytown population in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil.Why are nutritionally stunted children at increased risk of obesity? Studies of metabolic rate and fat oxidation in shantytown child...The Student Divestment Movement in the United States and Tactical Diffusion: The Shantytown ProtestCulture, scarcity, and maternal thinking: Maternal detachment and infant survival in a Brazilian shantytown.Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown (review)Networks and Marginality: Life in a Mexican ShantytownEarly childhood diarrhea is associated with diminished cognitive function 4 to 7 years later in children in a northeast Brazilian sh...