sheriffs 相关例句
- It was established by a series of kings' laws, supervised by the tours of sheriffs, and managed at biannual meetings named as view of frankpledge.
The New Sheriffs Of Wall StreetSheriffs Say They Need Higher Inmate Fees; at Issue Is the Amount the State Pays Counties to House PrisonersFoundation To Seek Enforcement Of Open-Records Laws Against SheriffsOccupational tuberculosis among deputy sheriffs in Connecticut: a risk model of transmission.Jail diversion for people with psychiatric disabilities: The sheriffs' perspective.Repeated false allegations of sexual abuse presenting to sheriffs: When is it munchausen by proxy? ☆A comparison of MMPI and CPI test profiles for traffic officers and deputy sheriffs.The Relative Effects of Community Complexity and of Sheriffs upon the Professionalism of Sheriff Departments"Bearded cavemen"and "Wild West Sheriffs": discursive constructions of the US-led attacks in Afghanistan by the British and Greek p...Policeman Pat! ; OFFICERS WILL BE BASED AT POST OFFICES IN LONDON POLICING SHAKE-UP LOCAL 'SHERIFFS' TO TARGET HIGH-CRIME ESTATES AN...