Shh 相关例句
FGF and Shh Signals Control Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Cell Fate in the Anterior Neural PlateInvolvement of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) in mouse embryonic lung growth and morphogenesis.The microRNA miR-196 acts upstream of Hoxb8 and Shh in limb development.Teratogen-Mediated Inhibition of Target Tissue Response to Shh SignalingSuppression of the Shh pathway using a small molecule inhibitor eliminates medulloblastoma in Ptc1(+/-)p53(-/-) miceEvidence for an expansion-based temporal Shh gradient in specifying vertebrate digit identities.Gli2, but not Gli1, is required for initial Shh signaling and ectopic activation of the Shh pathway.Smoothened mutants reveal redundant roles for Shh and Ihh signaling including regulation of L/R symmetry by the mouse node.Pax6 Controls Progenitor Cell Identity and Neuronal Fate in Response to Graded Shh SignalingA binding site for Gli proteins is essential for HNF-3beta floor plate enhancer activity in transgenics and can respond to Shh in vi...