shog 相关例句
Antitumor activity of gemcitabine can be potentiated in pancreatic cancer through modulation of TLR4/NF-κB signaling by 6-shogaolSHOG - Spherical HOG Descriptors for Rotation Invariant 3D Object DetectionSHOG - Spherical HOG Descriptors for Rotation Invariant 3D Object DetectionSHOG: spherical HOG descriptors for rotation invariant 3D object detectionThe ordinance of Lha Bla-ma Ye-shes-'od [a bka'-shog critical of some Tantric practices; inc text]Development of the shog mechanism for guide bar of warp knitting machinesSynthetic peptide-acrylate surfaces for long-term self-renewal and cardiomyocyte differentiation of human embryonic stem cells.Effect of pressure on the surface tension of water: Adsorption of hydrocarbon gases and carbon dioxide on water at temperatures betw...Determination of the Molecular Parameters and Studies of the Chain Conformation of Polybenzimidazole in DMAc/LiClFuel Injection Control Device for Internal Combustion Engine