side street
英:[said stri:t] 美: [saɪd strit]
side street 基本解释
复数:side streets
side street
n.a street intersecting a main street and terminating there
side street 相关例句
- The boy cut off down a side street.
男孩很快地沿一条小街跑掉了。 - The thief slipped away down a side street.
Side StreetSIDE STREETViewpoint: back street to side street to high street to e‐street: sporting betting on the InternetEffects of far-side and side street bus stops on the saturation flow rate of signalized intersections [electronic resource] /Back Street to Side Street to High Street: The Changing Geography of Betting ShopsQueuing of side-street traffic at a priority type vehicle-actuated signal ☆Issues and Trends: Strategies for Gaining Access to the Information Superhighway: Off the Side Street and on to the Main RoadStrategies for Gaining Access to the Information Superhighway: Off the Side Street and on to the Main Road (Issues and Trends).A Method for Signal Coordination Decisions based on the Impact of Side-Street Traffic Volume on Major-Street Green TimeModeling the Impact of Side-Street Traffic Volume on Major-Street Green Time at Isolated Semi-Actuated Intersections for Signal Coor...