英:['sɪlɪkju:l] 美: ['sɪlɪkjul]
silicule 相关例句
Observations sur la croissance de la silicule et de l''ovule chez le Capsella Bursa-pastoris MÅnchCrucifère Nouvelle Pour L''Algérie Et Remarques Sur La Classification Des Crucifères SiliculeusesGlossaireBrazilian Journal of Botany -XXXVII.âDescriptions of some new Genera and fifty unrecorded Species of MammaliaSalt and Mineral Nutrient Levels in Fruits of Two Strand Species, Cakile maritima and Arctotheca populifolia, with Special Reference...Trichome Morphology of Eleven Genera of the Tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) Occurring in BulgariaSeed characteristics and dispersal of dimorphic fruit segments of Cakile maritima Scopoli (Brassicaceae) population of southern Braz...Influence des blessures sur la croissance des fruitsSeasonal Cycle of Phytoplankton in the Dunkellin Estuary, Western Ireland.