Silver screen
英:[ˈsilvə skri:n] 美: [ˈsɪlvɚ skrin]
Silver screen 基本解释
Silver screen
n.the film industrya white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing同义词:screenprojection screen
Silver screen 相关例句
- A janitor is standing behind the screen.
SilverscreenSilver screenSILVER SCREENSavior on the silver screen /PIRACY ON THE SILVER SCREEN &astRed Women on the Silver ScreenPIRACY ON THE SILVER SCREEN -super-*An amorous history of the silver screen :An Amorous History of the Silver Screen: Shanghai Cinema 1896–1937 (review)You Throw Like a Girl: Sport and Misogyny on the Silver ScreenSeduced by the Silver Screen: Film Addicts, Critics and Cinema Regulation in Britain in the 1930s and 1940sVictims and Victors: Representation of Physical Disability on the Silver Screen.Influence of Surface Topography on the Glass Coverage in the Contact Formation of Silver Screen-Printed Si Solar Cells