similar terms 基本解释
similar terms 相关例句
Difference Between Joint venture and PartnershipPeopleSoft Oracle Virtual Machine Templates Development and Customization GuideCONCERNING THE POSSIBILITY OF EXACTLY SIMILAR TROPES M. A. Istvan Jr. 0. Introductory remarks A common practice of trope theory,Detecting similar documents using salient termsTerms Arising from Similar and Dissimilar ElectronsThe Past is Not a Foreign Country: Detecting Semantically Similar Terms across TimeMining a Web2.0 Service for the Discovery of Semantically Similar Terms: A Case Study with Del.icio.usA look inside the distributionally similar termsThe "meso"of the rectum and the "meso"of the pancreas: similar terms but distinct concepts in surgical oncologyUnits for the expression of both static and dynamic work in similar terms, and their application to weight-lifting experiments