英:[sɪŋɡlhæn'dɪd] 美: [sɪŋɡlhæn'dɪd]
singlehanded 基本解释
singlehanded 相关例句
Single HandedSINGLEHANDEDSINGLE-HANDEDOne-Handed KeyboardsNaomi JamesDo single handed practices offer poorer care? Cross sectional survey of processes and outcomesThe future of singlehanded general practicesThe views of singlehanded general practitioners: a qualitative study.MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE 1972 SINGLEHANDED TRANSATLANTIC YACHT RACEThe Future Of Singlehanded General Practices: Recent Developments Put Their Future In DoubtFuture of singlehanded general practices [6]Future Of Singlehanded General PracticesDesign and Realization of Automatically Tracing Intelligent Vehicle Based on Singlehanded Vision