英:[sɪŋ'gʌltəs] 美: [sɪŋ'gʌltəs]
singultus 基本解释
singultus[ siŋ'ɡʌltəs ]
n.(usually plural) the state of having reflex spasms of the diaphragm accompanied by a rapid closure of the glottis producing an audible sound; sometimes a symptom of indigestion同义词:hiccuphiccough
singultus 相关例句
SingultusSingultus.SingultusIntractable hiccups. (singultus).Pneumonia presenting as singultus.Intractable singultus: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.Kurznarkose unterbricht anhaltenden SingultusAlpha-2-delta ligands for singultus (hiccup) treatment: three case reportsPersistent hiccups (singultus) as the presenting symptom of medullary cavernoma.[ETICS Study: Empirical therapy of idiopathic chronic singultus]Phrenic nerve stimulation (diaphragm pacing) in chronic singultus.Treatment of singultus following craniocerebral injury——Intranasal cavity drip Infusion versus Intramuscular Injection of aminazineLesional location of lateral medullary infarction presenting hiccups (singultus)