英:['saɪfənɪɪn] 美: ['saɪfənɪɪn]
siphonein 相关例句
SiphoneinSiphoneinDistribution of the green light-absorbing pigments siphonaxanthin and siphonein in marine green algaeThe structures of siphonein and siphonaxanthin from Codium fragile ☆Identification of xanthophylls KI and KIS of the prasinophyceae as siphonein and siphonaxanthinZur struktur von siphonaxanthin und siphonein, den hauptcarotinoiden siphonaler grünalgenMass fragmentation and structure of siphonaxanthin, siphonein and derivativesZur Strukur von Siphonaxanthin und Siphonein den Hauptcarotinoiden siphonalar GrünalgenDistribution of green light-harvesting pigments, siphonaxanthin and siphonein, and their precursors in marine greeen algaeMass fragmentation and structure of siphonaxanthin, siphonein and derivatives (p 565-572)