skagit 相关例句
Skagit Valley 斯卡吉特谷 ; 史考基 ; 吉河谷 ; 是北美最大的郁金香及水仙花产地
SKAGIT GARDENS 美国进口商 ; 区域 ; 地区 ; 美国买家
Skagit Bridge斯卡吉特桥
Skagit County斯卡吉特县
Skagit River斯卡吉特河
Skagit City城市
Skagit Valley College 斯卡吉特河谷学院 ; 斯卡吉特谷学院 ; 华盛顿州 ; 斯凯基得学院
Skagit t Valley College斯卡吉特谷学院
Skagit Valley Community College 史盖吉谷社区大学 ; 斯卡吉特河谷学院
Hewas so confidenthespent the last ofhissavingsona pair ofshoesso thathewouldn't have towalkthroughthedoorofSkagitValleyCollegebarefoot.
The suspected shooter was arrested without incident attheSkagitCountySheriff's officeafterleadingWashington statetroopersonachase down a majorhighway.
The dean at Skagitwas so impressed with Legson's determination henotonlygrantedhim admission but also offered him a scholarship and a job thatwouldpay his room and board.
Industrial park project, Swinomish Indian Reservation, Skagit County : environmental impact statementModeling tidal circulation and stratification in Skagit River estuary using an unstructured grid ocean modelMiscibility of Tremolite and Hornblende in Progressive Skagit Metamorphic Suite, North Cascades, WashingtonUSE OF PRESCRIBED FIRE IN ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION: LESSONS FROM CHITTENDEN MEADOW, SKAGIT VALLEY, BRITISH COLUMBIALate Cretaceous and early Tertiary plutonism and deformation in the Skagit Gneiss Complex, North Cascade Range, Washington and Briti...High-pressure metamorphism in the Western Cordillera of North America : an example from the Skagit Gneiss, North CascadesChanges in the Distribution and Density of Pink, Chum, and Chinook Salmon Spawning in the Upper Skagit River in Response to Flow Man...A conceptual model of depositional, rather than erosional, tidal channel development in the rapidly prograding Skagit River Delta (W...Effects of Environmental Conditions during Stream, Estuary, and Ocean Residency on Chinook Salmon Return Rates in the Skagit River, ...Intracrustal subduction and gravity currents in the deep crust: Sm-Nd, Ar-Ar, and thermobarometric constraints from the Skagit Gneis...