英:[ske'lektən] 美: [ske'lektən]
skelecton 基本解释
skelecton 相关例句
Skelecton Muscle Model Building and SimulationNew pyridopyrazine skelecton-based electron-transporting materials.Shape Recognition by Morphological Skelecton TransformationResearch Skelecton of the Four Properties and Mathematical Model Establishment for the Chinese Materia MedicaCONTEMPORARY SKELECTON,TRADITIONAL SOUL AND NATURAL INCLOSURE EXPLORING THE CREATION OF THE ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIORMethod for obtaining human body defect skelecton titanium alloy restoring body by mould stampingThe Fracture Toughness of a C/SiC Composite with Three Dimensional SiC SkelectonMethod for making foam biological titanium alloy artificial skelecton with hollow structureDISCOVERY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CENTRAL ABSENT SKELECTON CRYSTAL TEXTURE IN THE MARINE BASIC VOLCANICS OF THE PROTEROZOIC GROUP OF...Electrical Microscope Observation on Morphometry of Rat′s Skelecton Muscle of Chinese Medicine Compound After Exhaustive Swimming