SLADE 相关例句
- Of course it's only gossip about major slade and his going on.
Analysing casual conversation /Meteorology and Atomic EnergyMeteorology and Atomic EnergyGenetic assignment methods for the direct, real‐time estimation of migration rate: a simulation‐based exploration of accuracy and ...Genetic basis for individual variations in pain perception and the development of a chronic pain conditionRepeated TLR9 stimulation results in macrophage activation syndrome-like disease in miceBeyond water activity: recent advances based on an alternative approach to the assessment of food quality and safety.Interpreting scores on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)The performance of the K6 and K10 screening scales for psychological distress in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and...The Camberwell Assessment of Need: the validity and reliability of an instrument to assess the needs of people with severe mental il...