斯隆远征盖尔语男John French Sloan 约翰•弗伦奇•斯隆: (1871~1951),美国画家,作品有《星期日,妇女们在晾干头发》和《后院,格林尼治村庄》等。
Sloan 相关例句
Sloan used to hit the martinis at lunch when they were working on the book together. 当他俩一起写书的时候,斯隆会在午餐时喝很多马提尼酒。
What has helped Sloan master these relationships and its speedy curriculum changes has been its relatively small size. 斯隆管理学院相对较小的规模,非常有助于它掌控这种联系以及迅速改革课程。
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