sluttish 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- He sat down in the sluttish armchair and undid the straps of the brief-case.
'Sluttish Stars Harm Youngsters'Is Sluttishness a Feminist Statement?Sluttish and Domineering or Prudish and ObedientA Pill Can Never Replace the Sluttish Glory of PerfumeSluttishness, circulation, and promiscuity in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English theaterPowerful rhyme and sluttish time: A cross-linguistic study of time personification in poetic discourse'Unswept stone, besmeer'd by sluttish time': Air Pollution and Building Stone Decay in Oxford, 1790 – 1960Lamentations of a shopkeeper for his sluttish daughter? Tadeusz Borowski and His “Holocaust Socialist Realism”Sluttish Michelle's Ruined My Shy Boy Stuart; Beauty Tara Blames Her Romantic Ex's BB Bonk on Pushy Glam Model BY VIRGIN STUDENT'S O...Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Wear; FASHION FOR LIFE; Recently, Shoes Have Turned Truly Sluttish. It's All Bondage and Fetish and Metall...