snailmail 基本解释
snailmail 相关例句
1.M:No,onlyaletterwrittento you by a friend or family member can reallybecalled"snailmail".噢,人们只有把亲友写的信叫做snailmail。说起写信,我真是应该给我爸爸妈妈写信了。
Snail MailSnail MailSnail MailTracing the Progress of E-Mail Vs. SnailMailALL WORK DUE BY FEBRUARY 7 TH . ALL WORK MUST BE POST-MARKED BY THIS DATE AND SUBMITTED BY SNAILMAIL. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE DOCKE...E-mail or snail mail? Randomized controlled trial on which works better for surveys“E-mail and Snail Mail Face Off in Rematch”Cell biology. Snail mail to the nucleus.E-mail or Snail Mail?From snail mail to e-mail — a South African perspective on the web of conflicting rules on the time of e-contractingFrom Snail Mail to E-Mail: The Steady Evolution of Service of ProcessReal Snail MailSnail mail no more