说话( speech的名词复数 );演说;说话方式;口语
(language) communication by word of mouth"his speech was garbled"
同义词:speech communicationspoken communicationspoken languagelanguagevoice communicationoral communication
something spoken"he could hear them uttering merry speeches"
the exchange of spoken words"they were perfectly comfortable together without speech"
your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally"her speech was barren of southernisms"; "I detected a slight accent in his speech"
同义词:manner of speakingdelivery
a lengthy rebuke同义词:lecturetalking to
words making up the dialogue of a play"the actor forgot his speech"
同义词:actor's linewords
the mental faculty or power of vocal communication同义词:language
speech recognition语音辨识
freedom of speech言论自由
speech signal语言信号,语音信号
speech act言语行为
make a speech发表演讲
free speech n. 言论自由
speech contest演讲比赛
figure of speech修辞;比喻说法
figures of speech修辞格;修辞手法;形象化比喻
give a speech做演讲
part of speech[语]词性,词类
speech synthesis语音合成;言语合成
speech communication言语交际
parts of speech词类;词性
keynote speech会上发表的主要讲话;政党代表大会上关于施政方针的演说
speech quality声音品质;话音质量
opening speech开幕致辞
indirect speech n. 间接引语
speech sound语音
speech production言语生成;语言产生