steam table
英:[sti:m ˈteibl] 美: [stim ˈtebəl]
steam table 基本解释
steam table 相关例句
Steam-table.Steam tableSteam-tableNBS/NRC steam tables thermodynamic and transport properties and computer programs for vapor and liquid states of water in SI unitsNBS/NRC steam tablesNBS/NRC steam tablesInternational Steam TablesQuantum steam tables. Free energy calculations for H2O, D2O, H2S, and H2Se by adaptively optimized Monte Carlo Fourier path integralsInternational Steam Tables - Properties of Water and Steam Based on the Industrial Formulation Iapws-If97Steam tables for pure water as an ActiveX component in Visual Basic 6.0 ☆International Steam TablesSteam-table panMETHOD FOR REMOVING A STEAM-TABLE PAN FROM A STEAM TABLE