adj.(形容词)强壮的,强有力的 physically powerful; able to use great force, make great effort, etc.牢固的 not easily broken, spoilt or destroyed坚强的,坚定的 (of emotions, opinions, etc.) that can resist influence; (of a person) convinced or determined强烈的,浓烈的,深刻的 having a powerful effect on the mind or senses擅长于…的; 对…很热心的 good at doing sth; eager and active in dealing with
strong[ strɔŋ, strɔ:ŋ ]
adj.having strength or power greater than average or expected
"a strong radio signal"; "strong medicine"; "a strong man"
of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
"`sing' is a strong verb"
being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
freshly made or left
strong and sure
"gave a strong pull on the rope"
strong 相关例句
用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词
strong baby强壮的婴儿
strong believer坚定的信徒
strong blow有力的一击
strong conviction坚定的信仰
strong current强流
strong dislike非常厌恶
strong fort坚固的堡垒
strong man壮汉
strong personality坚强的个性
strong protest强烈的抗议
strong push有力的一推
strong shot有力的一击
strong stick结实的手杖
strong structure结实的结构
strong supporter坚定的支持者
strong will坚强的意志
strong wind强风
strong arms壮实的手臂
strong leadership坚强的领导
strong liquor烈性酒
strong muscles强健的肌肉
strong nerves非凡的勇气
strong situation(故事,戏剧中)动人的场面
strong smell浓烈的气味
strong solution浓溶液
strong state强大的国家
strong stomach消化力强的胃
strong strain生命力强的菌株
strong stress主重音
strong tea浓茶
strong against极力反对,绝不
strong for坚决拥护
strong in擅长,在…占优势
strong in English擅长英语
strong in number数量上占优势
strong on擅长
strong on literature擅长文学
strong for对…特别偏爱的,特别注重…的
strong wind强风;大风;疾风
strong point支撑点,坚固支撑点;强项;据点
strong interest专注
strong will坚强的意志;强烈意愿;战胜自我
strong growth强劲增长;强劲的增长势头
strong demand强烈要求;殷切需求
strong market看涨的行情;坚挺的市场价格
strong acid强酸
strong earthquake n. 强震
strong body健壮的身体
strong function强函数
strong light强光灯;强光灯标
strong evidence有力证据;真凭实据
strong base强碱
strong position强位置
strong force强作用力
strong hand实力
strong tea浓茶
be strong in擅长于…
wholesome, fit, robust, strong, sound, tough, healthy, sturdy, vigorous, well
A strong light impinged on his eyes. 一道强烈的光刺着他的眼睛。
She has a strong desire to become a writer. 她有成为作家的强烈愿望。
Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition. 这种有倾向性的说法可能招致强烈的反对。
He has a very strong will. 他意志很坚强。
I was surprised to find that the strong man liked to eat conserves. 我很惊讶地发现这个强壮的男人喜欢吃蜜饯。
Hurricane is a storm with a very strong fast wind. 飓风是一种强劲猛烈的风暴。
The North Pole has a strong magnetic force. 北极具有强大的磁力。
He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt. 因无确凿证据而判他无罪。
The scholar's influence is still strong though he has been dead for forty years. 尽管已经逝世四十年了,这位学者的影响力仍然很大。
He was a man of strong conviction. 他是一个信仰坚定的人。
The rose sends out strong fragrance. 玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。
The strong smell is acted as one way of self-protection. 这种花发出的浓烈气味是自我保护的一种手段。
You must make the houses as strong as possible. 你应该把房屋建得尽可能结实。
There is a strong presumption that he will succeed. 他有很大的成功希望。
I'm not very strong on dates. 我不善于和异性朋友约会。
She is not strong in English. 她英语不好。
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration. 示威现场出现了大批警察。
Hong Kong's banks have maintained a strong presence in the Mainland. 香港的银行在内地建立了稳固的基础。
The source of the problem resides in the fact that the currency is too strong. 问题的根源在于货币过于坚挺。
Their catering business remained strong despite the recession. 尽管出现经济衰退,他们的酒席承办业仍然景气。
You shouldn't use such strong language. 你不应该使用这样强硬的措词。
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