sublated 基本解释
sublated 相关例句
1.SomeofthemwereeventuallyabsorbedinmodernChinese,whilesomeotherswereeliminatedandsublated.这些外来语有些最终被现代汉语吸收,有些却遭到淘汰与扬弃。 third one,Inthecourseofknowing, the new democratictheorysublated the Three People Principles frompolitics,economyandculture.第三部分,指明在这一认识过程中,新民主主义理论从政治、经济、文化等方面,完成了对三民主义的继承和超越。
Time Subsumed or Time Sublated?Understandings of Logic Sublated by the DialecticHe Lin's “New Mind” Sublated Hegel's DialecticsEducator as shaman and the sublated space - Nurse Education TodayOn the Conception That Guo Xiang Sublated Xiang XiuChapter 11: Whose World View Rules?: Sublated Contradictions of African and Creole in the Caribbean Historiography of Kamau BrathwaiteHow Engels Sublated the “Basic Problem of Philosophy”How Marx and Engels Sublated Hegel's PredictionAnthropology's Wake: Attending to the End of CultureHigh compressive strength silica mortar and manufacturing method thereof