subspecialties 基本解释
A subspecialty is a narrow field within a specialty such as forensic pathology, which is a subspecialty of anatomical pathology. A subspecialist is a specialist of a subspecialty.以上来源于:Wikipedia
subspecialties 相关例句
1.That'spartlybecauselabsarebigger,problemsaremorecomplicated,andmoredifferentsubspecialtiesareneeded.一部原因在于现在的实验室越来越大,问题也越来越复杂,因此需要更多的学科。2.Butmanyofthemare now going intosubspecialtiesofinternal medicine,likecardiologyandoncology.他们有很多人进入内科附属专业,如心脏病学和肿瘤学。3.Discussion effects upon patientcare in units withsubspecialties立体收住病人的实施与护理应对
Professional opportunitiesTeaching and Evaluation of Interpersonal Skills and Ethical Decision Making in PediatricsSub-specialtiesUse of personal protective equipment and operating room behaviors in four surgical subspecialties: personal protective equipment and...Are we there yet? Distance to care and relative supply among pediatric medical subspecialties.The contributions of organizational science to the development of decision support systems research subspecialtiesEffect of different cost drivers on cost per anesthesia minute in different anesthesia subspecialties.The contributions of organizational science to the development of decision support systems research subspecialtiesAnalysis of the readability of patient education materials from surgical subspecialtiesGraduate education in general surgery and its related specialties and subspecialties in the United States