sweltered 相关例句
- Open the window; it's sweltering in here!
打开窗户,这里热得要命! - It's sweltering today.
Nature's AC cools the North Shore; While most of Minnesota sweltered Monday, cool breezes off Lake Superior kept Duluth comfortable ...Aspects: Too Hot to Be Cool?; as Birmingham Sweltered Yesterday, Mel Hunter Checked out How the Well-Dressed Office Worker Was Copin...Hilo Sweltered through Its Hottest Year on Record in 2015SUN TEN LOTION 90 F; Britain Will Swelter for 10 DaysCORF-U.K!; Britain Swelters as Temperatures Top Greek IsleStorms Kill 13, Cut Power to Millions ; Electricity out for Days as People SwelterHeat, Howling Winds Punish Eastern U.S. -- 13 Killed, Millions Could Swelter without Power for DaysThe laws of natureDeath of a NaturalistDeath of a Naturalist