英:[sɪ'nɪərəsɪs] 美: [sɪ'nɪrəsɪs]
syneresis 基本解释
syneresis[ si'niərəsis, -'nεərə- ]
n.the contraction of two vowels into a diphthong同义词:synaeresis
the separation of liquid from a gel that is caused by contraction (as in cheese making)同义词:synaeresis
syneresis 相关例句
The Syneresis of CurdThe Syneresis of CurdBiochemical Aspects of Syneresis: A ReviewSyneresis of curd. 2. One-dimensional syneresis of rennet curd in constant conditionsThe development of polygonal fault systems by syneresis of colloidal sedimentsISOTHERMAL PREPARATION OF HEAT-RESISTANT GELLAN GELS WITH REDUCED SYNERESISThermogelable PNIPAM microgel dispersion as 3D cell scaffold: effect of syneresisPurification from Acanthamoeba castellanii of proteins that induce gelation and syneresis of F-actinProperties of acid casein gels made by acidification with glucono-δ-lactone. 2. Syneresis, permeability and microstructural propert...[Effect of denaturation of ss-lactoglobulin on texture properties of set-style nonfat yoghurt. I. Syneresis]. [English]