Taconic 基本解释
Taconic 相关例句
The Taconic OrogenyDid the Taconic Appalachians continue into southern South America?Taconic Plate kinematics as revealed by foredeep stratigraphy, Appalachian OrogenThe Notre Dame arc and the Taconic orogeny in NewfoundlandTaconic Foreland Basin graptolites: age zonation, depth zonation, and use in ecostratigraphic correlationTopography and tectonics of the Taconic outer trench slope as revealed through gradient analysis of fossil assemblagesWhy is there no significant Taconic thermal event west of the Baie Verte-Brompton Line Taconic suture in the Canadian Appalachians?Stratigraphy and Structure of the Kinderhook Quadrangle, New York, and the ``TACONIC Klippe''Chromium and nickel in shale of the Taconic foreland : a case study for the provenance of fine-grained sediments with an ultramafic ...EVIDENCE OF TRICLINIC STRAIN SYMMETRY AND STRAIN PARTITIONING IN THE TACONIC SLATE BELT, MIDDLE GRANVILLE REGION, NEW YORK