take pictures
英:[teik ˈpiktʃəz]
take pictures 相关例句
- Kathy and Evan decide to take pictures in Tivoli.
凯西和艾凡决定在第凡尼乐园照相。 - You can take pictures by pressing the shutter.
Taking pictures to take control: Photovoice as a tool to facilitate empowerment among poor and racial/ethnic minority women with HIVCameras don't take picturesInstructional Snapshots (IS) in Mexico: Pre-Service Bilingual Teachers Take Pictures of Classroom PracticesAdapting a Common Photographic Camera to Take Pictures of the Sky. (Spanish Title: Adaptando Una Camara Fotografica Comun Para Obten...A simple way to take pictures during endoscopic procedures.Control device for turning round brushes or brush parts includes camera to take pictures of brush in different positions and memory ...A former Google engineer is developing an AI-powered drone that will follow you around and take picturesLife Is Short, Take Pictures!How NASA's Next Big Telescope Could Take Pictures of Another EarthDevelopment of mobile application allowing to take pictures by facial expression recognition