Tamarix 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Finaly,we list the key to the Tamaricaceae and Tamarix separately.
最后列出了柽柳科分属和柽柳属分种检索表。 - Study on Organs Morphology and its Taxonomic Significance of Tamarix L.
Hybrid Tamarix widespread in U.S. invasion and undetected in native Asian rangeSaltcedar (Tamarix spp.) endangered species, and biological weed control -- can they mixWater Use by Tamarix Ramosissima and Associated Phreatophytes in a Mojave Desert FloodplainValuing ecosystem services lost to Tamarix invasion in the United StatesInvasive capacity of Tamarix ramosissima in a Mojave Desert floodplain: the role of droughtTamarix spp. (salt cedar), an invasive exotic woody plant in arid and semi-arid riparian habitats of western USA.Control of Tamarix in the Western United States: implications for water salvage, wildlife use, and riparian restoration.ESTABLISHMENT PATTERNS OF NATIVE POPULUS AND SALIX IN THE PRESENCE OF INVASIVE NONNATIVE TAMARIXEffects of NaCl on the carboxylating activity of Rubisco from Tamarix jordanis in the presence and absence of proline‐related compa...Survival of plains cottonwood ( Populus deltoides subsp. Monilifera ) and saltcedar ( Tamarix ramosissima ) seedlings in response t...