tarn 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The deep and dark tarn at my feet closed over the fragments of the House of Usher.
The Utstein template for uniform reporting of data following major trauma: A joint revision by SCANTEM, TARN, DGU-TR and RITGExperimental manipulation of the phytoplankton periodicity in large limnetic enclosures in Blelham Tarn, English Lake DistrictA thin ice layer segregates two distinct fungal communities in Antarctic brines from Tarn Flat (Northern Victoria Land).New data on the paragenesis of the Lacoste wolframite vein field, Montredon-Labessonnie District, TarnMétodo constructivo del puente sobre el río Tarn en Moissac, FranciaAlexander the Great - W. W. Tarn:
Alexander the Great, Vol. I (Narrative): pp. xi+161; map. Vol. II (Sou...W. W. Tarn:
The Greeks in Bactria and Media. Second edition. Pp. xxiv+561; 1 plate, 3 maps. Cambridge: U...Hellenistic Civilisation -
Hellenistic Civilisation. By W. W. Tarn. Pp. viii + 312. London: Edward Arnol...Chen, CJ, Yang, HI, Su, J, Jen, CL, You, SL, Lu, SN et al.. Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma across a biological gradient of serum h...DIABETES AND SOCIAL CLASS