taste area
英:[teist ˈɛəriə] 美: [test ˈɛriə]
taste area 相关例句
taste areaThe pontine taste area in the ratGustatory functions, sodium appetite, and conditioned taste aversion survive excitotoxic lesions of the thalamic taste area.Afferent connections of the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex taste area of the primate.Intensity coding in pontine taste area: gustatory information is processed similarly throughout rat's brain stem.Taste area in granular and dysgranular insular cortices in the rat identified by stimulation of the entire oral cavityMapping study of the parabrachial taste-responsive area for the anterior tongue in the golden hamsterCortical Representation of Taste in Man and Monkey: II. The Localization of the Cortical Taste Area in Man and a Method of Measuring...Neurons in the cortical taste area receive nociceptive inputs from the whole body as well as the oral cavity in the ratA confined taste area in a lepidopteran brain