taste buds 相关例句
- It exists merely to sweeten the taste buds after a hearty meal.
它的存在仅仅是为了在用过丰盛的饭菜之后让味蕾溢发香甜之感。 - Species differ in the type, location, and number of taste buds.
The Role of Pannexin 1 Hemichannels in ATP Release and Cell-Cell Communication in Mouse Taste BudsLocalization of ATP-gated P2X2 and P2X3 receptor immunoreactive nerves in rat taste budsRENEWAL OF CELLS WITHIN TASTE BUDSRenewal of taste bud cells in rat circumvallate papillae.Renewal of cells within taste buds. J Cell BiolThe taste of monosodium glutamate: membrane receptors in taste budsImmunohistochemical evidence for substance P immunoreactive nerve fibres in the taste buds of the catSignal transduction and information processing in mammalian taste budsSeparate populations of receptor cells and presynaptic cells in mouse taste buds."Type III"cells of rat taste buds: immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of neuron-specific enolase, protein gene product...