tattling 相关例句
- Who's been tattling?
Children's Tattling: The Reporting of Everyday Norm Violations in Preschool SettingsRailing, Tattling, and General Rumour: Gossip, Gender, and Church Regulation in Upper CanadaRegendering the school story: sassy sissies and tattling tomboysFrom hitting and tattling to communication and negotiation: The young child's stages of socializationFrom hitting to tattling to gossip: an evolutionary rationale for the development of indirect aggression.Relationships between tattling, likeability, and social classification: a preliminary investigation of adolescents in residential careI'm Telling! The Content, Context, and Consequences of Children's Tattling on their SiblingsConsistency and Change in Children’s Tattling on their Siblings: Children’s Perspectives on the Moral Rules and Procedures of Fami...Defeating encrypted and deniable file systems: TrueCrypt v5.1a and the case of the tattling OS and applicationsChildren's moral evaluations of reporting the transgressions of peers: Age differences in evaluations of tattling.