泰特姆带来欢乐的人古英语女 Edward Lawrie Tatum 爱德华·劳瑞尔•泰特姆: (1909~1975), 美国生物化学家,因发现了基因如何传递遗传特征,而获1958年诺贝尔奖。 Arthur Tatum 阿瑟•泰特姆: (1910~1956),美国爵士乐钢琴家。
Tatum[ 'teitəm ]
n.United States biochemist who discovered how genes act by regulating definite chemical events (1909-1975)
同义词:Edward Lawrie Tatum
United States jazz pianist who was almost completely blind; his innovations influenced many other jazz musicians (1910-1956)
同义词:Art TatumArthur Tatum
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