tauri 基本解释
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tauri 相关例句
Layered Accretion in T Tauri DisksDisk Accretion Rates for T Tauri StarsThe Origin of T Tauri X-Ray Emission: New Insights from the Chandra Orion Ultradeep ProjectFrom T Tauri stars to protostars: Circumstellar material and young stellar objects in the rho Ophiuchi cloudSpectral energy distributions of T Tauri stars - Disk flaring and limits on accretionEmission-Line Diagnostics of T Tauri Magnetospheric Accretion. I. Line Profile ObservationsIntrinsic Near-Infrared Excesses of T Tauri Stars: Understanding the Classical T Tauri Star LocusEmission-Line Diagnostics of T Tauri Magnetospheric Accretion. II. Improved Model Tests and Insights into Accretion PhysicsA Survey and Analysis of Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Spectra of T Tauri Stars in TaurusThe multiplicity of T Tauri stars in the star forming regions Taurus-Auriga and Ophiucus-Scorpius: A 2.2 micrometer speckle imaging ...