transvestic 相关例句
transvestic fetishismdsm异装癖
transvestic fetishism异装癖
transvestic fetishist 变装癖 ; 异装癖
Transvestic fetishism in the general population: prevalence and correlatesDemographics, behavior problems, and psychosexual characteristics of adolescents with gender identity disorder or transvestic fetish...Reversible transvestic fetishism in a man with Parkinson's disease treated with selegilineThe DSM diagnostic criteria for transvestic fetishism.Buspirone hydrochloride in the treatment of transvestic fetishismTransvestic fetishism: Psychopathology and theory.The mother's contribution to infantile transvestic behaviourDepathologizing consensual sexual sadism, sexual masochism, transvestic fetishism, and fetishism.Successful treatment of transvestic fetishism with sertraline and lithium.Escitalopram Treatment of Transvestic Fetishism: A Case Report