英:['traɪvælv] 美: ['traɪˌvælv]
trivalve 基本解释
trivalve 相关例句
trivalveRimless trivalve vaginal speculumComparison between three types of stented pericardial aortic valves (Trivalve trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled tri...The International Multicenter TriValve RegistryON A NEW TRIVALVE SPECULUMThe International Multicenter TriValve Registry: Which Patients Are Undergoing Transcatheter Tricuspid Repair?Innovative Design of Flow Injection Tri-valve and Its Use for the Determination of Trace Amounts of Bi (III)Application and Comparison of Tri-valve PICC in Hematology Chemotherapy PatientsFailure Analysis of the Valve Body of the Multi-Functional Tri-Valve Set of Flow Transducer[Opportunity of operative traumatism decrease in patients with complicated tricuspid valve defect]