
  • trolled


    trolled 基本解释



    复数:trolls 现在分词:trolling 过去分词:trolled


    troll[ trəul ]

    n.(Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountainsa partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time


    a fisherman's lure that is used in trolling

    "he used a spinner as his troll"

    angling by drawing a baited line through the water


    v.circulate, move aroundcause to move round and round

    "The child trolled her hoop"

    sing the parts of (a round) in successionangle with a hook and line drawn through the watersing loudly and without inhibitionpraise or celebrate in song

    "All tongues shall troll you"

    speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice

    trolled 相关例句


    1.Sheandherteamtrolledscientificonlinebulletinboards,trying to talk fellowscientistsandstudentsintobecomingquakecatchers.她和她的团队轮番在科学性的在线公告栏上发布信息,试图劝说同行的科学家与学生成为地震捕手。2.Onlyafew of the therapieshavebeenevaluatedforefficacyandsafety in well-designed andwell-con-trolledclinicalstudies.只有少数的治疗已经评价的有效性和安全性的精心设计和良好的自控临床研究。www.syyxw.com3.Bynature,amanissuspicious,competitive, con-trolled, defensive andalonerwhohideshisemotionalstateto stay in control.从本质上说,男人天性多疑、乐于竞争、有自控和自我保护意识,而且是一种喜欢孤独的动物,他努力克制自己,隐藏情感。4.Theytrolledtheneighborhood,handingoutDraytonHallbrochuresandcopiesofthewatercolor.他们转遍了整个社区,分发德雷顿艺术馆的宣传小册子和水彩画的照片拷贝。5.Thispaperanalyses the technological process of moulding sandcompounding, and con-trolled by PC, then yieldsgoodresults.本文分析了型砂配制的工艺,用PC对其进行了控制,获得了良好地控制效果。www.dictall.com6.ItrolledaroundontheWebthismorninglookingforacademicpapers on the subject.今天早上,我在网上到处搜索有关这个主题的学术论文。7.Wehadagoodtimeandtrolled all the way.我们玩得很高兴,一路上放声高歌。8.How to DirectGraduationDesignofSimpleRenovationofGeneralNumericalControlledMachine Tool普通机床简易数控改造毕业设计指导实践与探讨www.ilib.cn9.WHBTwehavebeentrolled早就告诉过我们了www.crazyenglish.org10.Hetrolledasong.[vt.]他很欢快地唱一支歌。lab.jixia.org
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